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Category: Uncategorized

  • Grooves

    Grooves In music, groove is a rhythmic pattern or swing that creates a sense of propulsion. video for Grooves


  • Iqa’

    Iqa’ Arabic music is composed of rhythmic cycles called iqa ‘at (singular iqa), which are beat patterns that repeat every measure. Video for Iqa’


  • Tala

    Tala Tala is a rhythmic structure in Indian classical music that is similar to a musical beat. It is a fundamental element of Indian music, just like the melodic element of the raga. Video for Tala


  • Clave

    Clave A clave is a rhythmic pattern used as a time-organizing device in Brazilian and Cuban music. In Spanish, clave literally means key, clef, code, or foundation. Video for clave


  • Syncopation

    Syncopation Syncopation in music refers to the concept of playing a rhythm that emphasizes or stresses the weak beats. It alters or replaces the standard rhythm by emphasizing the beats that are not normally emphasized. video for Syncopation


  • Accents

    Accents There are many types of accents used in music. These accents may include staccato, staccato, fortified, normal, fortissimo, and legato. These markings show a particular emphasis or stress.


  • Note

    Note Notes are sounds that represent pitch and are the basic building blocks of music. Notes are written on a stave, which consists of five lines and four spaces. The position of a note on the stave indicates its pitch, and the shape of the note indicates its duration. What are the 7 basic notes…


  • Meter

    Meter In music, rhythm refers to regularly repeating patterns and accents, such as measures and beats. What is the difference between tempo and meter? Rhythm is the rate of music – the relative speed of the pulse we perceive in music. Beat is the ratio of music – how duration values ​​are assigned to represent…


  • Tempo

    Tempo Tempo in music refers to the speed of a particular section or passage of music. Tempo is usually measured in beats per minute (BPM), which is the number of beats recorded in one minute at a particular tempo. video for Tempo


  • Beats

    Beats In music, beat is the basic time unit of the rhythm and structure of a song. Beat is a regularly repeated pulse that is the basis of the harmony and melodic elements of a song. What does “beat” really mean? A beat, in music, is the basic rhythmic unit of a measure or bar,…
