Pop music is a genre of music that focuses on mass appeal and is characterized by catchy melodies, simple structures, and relevant lyrics. It often combines elements of different styles such as rock, electronica, and R&B to create songs that are memorable and easy to sing along to.
Resources for pop music
Billboard It also publishes in-depth articles, interviews and analysis covering global pop music genres, focusing on emerging and mainstream artists.
Rolling Stone includes album reviews, artist interviews, and cultural commentary on music trends, often delving into different genres within pop music.
Dazed covers music, fashion and pop culture.
The Fader It features interviews, profiles, and music reviews, focusing on global sounds and culturally significant releases.
This online publication critically explores popular music, providing album reviews, artist spotlights, and cultural analysis of various popular music styles from different countries.
what is J-pop? J-pop, short for Japanese pop music, is a genre of music that originated in Japan and encompasses a wide range of styles and influences. It is characterized by catchy melodies, lively production, and often incorporates elements of Western pop, rock, electronic music, and even hip-hop.
An English language radio station and blog featuring a wide range of Japanese pop music from both established and independent artists, as well as album reviews, artist interviews and news.
what is J-K-pop?K-pop, short for Korean pop, is a genre of popular music in South Korea that has gained worldwide popularity. Characterized by a fusion of pop, hip-hop, R&B, rock, and electronic music, K-pop is known for its high-energy performances, beautiful visuals, and catchy melodies.
Billboard’s K-pop section offers charts, artist interviews, and industry updates, often featuring in-depth articles on how K-pop fits into the global music industry.
Podcast for pop music
Hosted by musicologist Nate Sloan and songwriter Charlie Harding, this podcast analyzes popular songs and music trends, delving into the artistry and cultural influences behind today’s hits.
Each episode features an artist who breaks down the creative process and inspiration behind a song. While the show isn’t exclusively about pop music, it usually features pop artists from a variety of genres.
scholars in pop music
Frith’s is considered one of the founders of popular music studies, with research covering the sociology of music, the meaning of “popular music,” and the impact of the music industry on society.
Thornton is known for her research on subcultures and club culture, and her research explores how subcultural capital influences people’s perceptions and values of popular music.
Her book, Music in Everyday Life, explores how people use music in everyday life, such as for emotion regulation and social connection, which is crucial to understanding the pervasive role of popular music in modern life.
His work focuses on the intersection of music, law, and culture, exploring topics such as sampling and intellectual property in hip-hop music.