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In some musice, rhythm (the temporal aspect of music) is based on the beat (pulse). The beat can be subdivided (often in twos, threes, or fours, but can be any division), elongated (often doubled, tripled, or quadrupled), or grouped (meter) for different musical effects Terms related to rhythm include:

Beat is a regular rhythmic unit that forms the basis of a musical composition. Every song will have its own beat. A beat in music is the basic rhythmic unit or pulse that provides rhythm and structure to a piece of music.

Tempo is the speed of the music ,indicating how fast or slow the music should be played.he

notes are symbols that represent the length or duration of a sound relative to other notes.

Meter refers to the organization of beats into regular patterns, defining how the beats are counted within each measure or bar.

Accents are special emphasis on specific notes or beats, making them stand out from the others.

Syncopation is a rhythmic technique in which an accented or stressed A replaces a beat or part of a beat that is normally weak or unaccented.

In some musics, the temporal aspect of music is based on rhythm patterns–units larger than the beat or pulse. A few of these include:

rhythm pattern common in Latin music, a 2:3 or a 3:2 pattern

metric cycle of beats in Indian music

pl. Iqa’at, (metric cycle of beats in Arabic music

West African music